NameOtto Rystad
711, M
Birth PlaceRembrandt, Buena Vista Co., IA, USA
Death Date12 Mar 199737 Age: 103
Death PlaceFort Lauderdale, Broward Co., FL, USA
Birth PlaceArgyle, Lafayette Co., WI, USA
Death DateDec 198737 Age: 91
Death PlaceMinneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN, USA
Military notes for Otto Rystad
Rystad, Otto S.
Barnes township
Born November 9, 1897. Enl. July 24, 1918
Pvt. Hdq. Co. 316th Inf. 79th Div. Trained at Camp Gordon until August 27.
Sailed from Hobokon August 29 on U. S. S. Platsburg; landed Brest September 12.
To St. Georges September169 to October 2;
to aviation camp near Verdun sector until October 27.
Joined 79th Div. and went to Meuse sector of Verdun Front.
October 29 in offensive at Verdun. There until November 11; held line until December 27;
to Heippes December 27;
to Orquavaux by march; arrived April 2 remained there until May 2;
to Clisson; to St. Naxaire. Sailed on May 16 on U. S. S. Texan landed Philadelphia May 29. To Camp Dix;
to Camp Dodge. Mustered out June 10, 1919.